Hello All.
It has been a long time. Probably way too long, but as you know, life happens. I have gotten away from writing, but now I AM BACK!
A lot has happened since we last explored the happenings of "The Beast" back in January, so this post is a little longer. We are in a new home, which we quickly found out was nowhere near as baby proof as the one we left. Stained concrete floors, stone fireplace, multiple cabinets to explore. You see where this is going? Needless to say we have encountered many bruised foreheads along with finding what should be in the bathroom drawer in the refrigerator. We left off after having talked about the holidays and ear piercing. Addy still holds a grudge for the ear piercing just so you know. Who knew ear piercing would cause issues long after the horrific screams that day that the lady put them in? Nothing too serious, but let's just say we have spent lots of time crawling on the carpet looking for earrings or the backs of earrings that were pulled out by towels or grubby little hands. All I can say is good thing we only went with the 1 carat diamond earrings. Just kidding.
Let's do a quick photo show-n-tell of some things that you missed...
Got our first Watermelon |
Saw our first Firework Show |
Laid out by the Pool |
Sat out by the Pool |
Mastered our Climbing Skills |
Whacked-A-Mole |
Went down the Big Slide |
Mastered eating while Sleeping |
Had our First Swim |
Learned to Wash Dishes |
Scaled a Mountain |
Watched the Rangers... |
...until I found the Ice Cream |
Rode a Wild Tortoise |
Found Nemo |
Kissed a Monkey |
We had Addy's 1st birthday! It was a great day spent at the Ft. Worth Zoo. She lasted a couple hours in the heat, ate her cake, then passed out in the stroller. Overall a good day. We did have neon-colored poops for a few days. It is crazy that it has already been a year, and I find myself wondering how time has flown by so fast.
Birthday Cupcake |
1st Birthday Gifts |
Addy is walking everywhere now. She hasn't graduated to the run, but she does attempt a good little waddle with head leaned forward, so her momentum gets going, especially if we aim her downhill. The only problem is she hasn't mastered the stop. So most of the time now, she will turn toward what appears to allow for a "soft landing" and just lunge, head first, into this intended backstop. However, she hasn't really become an expert in the difference between soft and hard objects. So, more forehead bruises.
We have progressed in the realms of communication as well. We started with sign language. Rub the tummy for please, put the hands together for more, and shake the hands for all done. It was a good little system we had going. Then she found her voice. And by voice I mean her scream. Why should we have to do all these hand gestures when I can just scream really loud to get my point across? We have since moved more into actual use of words. It is wild to see how what seems like overnight she has discovered how to communicate. Now we say "Peas", "Dank Do", and my ultimate favorite..."Poo Poo". Now I don't even have to check her diaper because she will run around the corner, stand in front of me, grab her diaper and yell "Poo Poo". I always give the standard one minute window to allow for smell confirmation, but 80% of the time she is telling the truth.
So at an early age, it is clearly obvious what the future might hold in terms of career for my beautiful daughter. Boxer, Dancer, or Extreme Mountain Climber. We entered the slapping phase, throwing toys, you know all that good stuff. So in something that may not have been my finest moment I tell Addy, "If you are going to punch, you are going to do it right." So I proceeded to show her how to make a fist and punch for the nose. All in good fun right? Think again. One day Addy and I were playing, and she started slapping me in the face. She had been getting in trouble for this throughout the day, so when she slapped me I looked at her and again asked, "What did I tell you about hitting?". She looked at me briefly, then she clinched her little fist and punched me in the nose. You may think "Wow, that's not good". I say lesson learned my friends. On a different note, let's explore the mountain climber career. School started back up for me, and of course Kelly had put my hole punch and stapler in the spot where it belongs, and needless to say, I couldn't find it. So, once I remembered where it was, I ventured to get it...in the attic. So Addy is laying in the floor watching Toy Story drinking her juice, so I make a dash to go into the attic to retrieve my supplies. I closed the door to the garage behind me and made my way into the attic. It couldn't have been 2 minutes when I began to hear some tiny little grunts coming from behind me. I thought to myself, "No Way". And then I turned around to see two tiny little eyes and a gleaming bald head staring at me from the top of the attic steps. I turned slowly to see her smiling like she had accomplished climbing Mount Everest, knowing if she saw me worried, she may get worried and let go. There was only one option; leap from the attic and catch her on the way down because I just knew she was going to let go. But no. I land in the garage floor prepared to catch a falling baby, as she looks down at me with a look like "Why are you laying in the floor". I brought her down, disaster averted. Lastly, let's just say that at a young age Addy can shake it. She loves music and dancing, and from the song that she prefers to dance to, we have found out that she is "Sexy and She Knows It".
Into the Attic We Go |
Gangsta Rap Dance Outfit |
It's a wild ride, and I know that we are still being pulled up the hill. We are ready, waiting to take the plunge, and excited to do so. She is a clear picture of joy and shows me everyday there is so much to live for. Stay tuned, because it will only get better.
See Ya Later!! |
Until next time...