Friday, August 26, 2011

Breaking Baby

Hello all, and welcome again to another exciting weekend of Addy and Daddy. School has started back up for me, and so far, it has gone pretty smoothly. The biggest hurdle is Monday mornings. Kelly works Sunday night into Monday morning, and I have to be in class before 8, and it takes a solid 25 minutes to get across town. With that said, Kelly pulled in Monday morning, me already prepared to go, and she handed me the keys as I handed her Addy. A quick little kiss and we parted ways. I was on time. The speed limit for a residential street is 55 mph right? Anyways, we are back in the swing of things, but we have quickly come to our next task. NAP TIME.

Some might ask, "Why is nap time so important?". Well my friend, if you have ever taken care of a child that has not had their naps during the day, they will quickly enter Addy's realm of "Beast Mode". Also, you long for those naps to clean up a bit, watch some TV, or even try to catch a little shut-eye yourself. Needless to say, naps are important.

How can you be mad at this?

With Addy, she has decided that she will go to sleep, but only if she is being held or rocked. Sure, I know what you are thinking. Just hold her or rock her until she falls asleep, and then lay her down. Feel free to come try, and when it fails, I promise not to say I told you so. I feel like a little boy again. You know when you were little and trying to sneak up on someone sleeping, or put the shaving cream in their hand then rub their face with a feather and you are trying to be so quiet and whisper so soft, but it always seems like they know you are there and wake up right before the good stuff goes down? Addy is that way. As I have mentioned before, I like to check and see if she is "Dead Asleep" by gently raising her arm, and seeing if it falls back down to a resting position without any tension. If so, I give myself the green light to initiate operation "Crib Sleep". My friends, I think she has caught on to this. Just like she has learned that if Mom or Dad rub their finger on my cheek, they are checking to see if I am hungry, so if I move my mouth at their finger and try to suck on it, chances are I'll get to eat. She can seem like she is dead asleep, I can even let her sleep on me for 30 minutes prior to putting her down, but she always knows. ALWAYS. So, we have started to try and break the habit. I would prefer my child not be 5 years old and still have to be rocked to sleep. So, we will push on, and we will endure the tears. We will come out successful.

Until next time.


P.S. Just an example of the great multi-tasker that I have become. Learn from it.

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