Sunday, August 28, 2011

Crocodile Tears

Hello friends. Let me start this blog out by saying that the topic at hand breaks my heart. I love my little girl more than anyone will know. Words cannot express that point. However, an event occurred the other day that melted my heart. Tears.

Kelly was sleeping, so I was in charge. Scary I know. So, it was time for Addy to nap, and she was not having it. So I fought with her for a bit, tried to rock her, walked around, and still...she was not having it. So I thought to myself, if she is screaming anyways, what a perfect opportunity to try and get her to fall asleep in her "hammock" as we like to call it. It is a little fold out bed that is kind of V-shaped, which makes her feel a little more snuggled, and she sleeps a whole lot better. Well, the pattern mentioned above continued its course. Addy wasn't sleeping. So I would go in, rock her little bed and shoosh her for a few minutes, then I would leave her to cry a little bit and see if she would go to sleep. It went on and on, and she never would go to sleep. So, to the point. I went in to check on her one time and she had the most pathetic look on her face. Eyes red and swelled up, bottom lip pouted out, and then the real heart-breaker...from her big blue eyes came two gigantic tears rolling down her face. I felt awful. Up until this point Addy had cried before, but she was not producing tears, and if she was, they were very few. Not these tears. BAM! Rolling right down her face as big as rain drops. So...what did I do you asked? I don't have to justify myself. She wasn't tired, that's what we will go with. Don't judge me.

Anyways, I have now experienced the feeling of being wrapped around a little girl's finger. But I don't mind. They say it takes a special man to raise a daughter. I agree completely.

Until next time.


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