Friday, August 5, 2011

A Whale of a Time

Hello friends. Hope that all is well in your world. In my world, I am pretty excited/impressed with myself and Addy. I believe that I am on to something that is monumental. Perhaps even something that I am certain Isaac Newton and Benjamin Franklin would be intrigued by. What is it that I am talking about you ask? One word. Echolocation. I know what you are thinking. And yes, I know that it is a phenomenon that has already been studied and discovered. But not in this way.

I have discovered that babies communicate with Echolocation. FACT. And believe it or not, I have perfected the language of our humpback friends from the sea.

Addy and I have frequent conversations using the language of the whale, and it has allowed us to grow much closer. I may even call myself an advanced practicer of the trade. By no means do I compare to Addy, and Kelly, let's just say she's "staying afloat".

It amazes me the little language, which again I am certain is the exact same as whales, that babies use, and I find myself wondering what is going on in their little minds. I wonder this because Addy has all different tones. High pitched, low pitched, sounds that start low and go high and vice versa. Sometimes I know she is mad because the face she gives me is the exact same one I get from Kelly whenever I am in trouble. That being said, I wish I could live in the mind of Addy for one day to see, or not see, what she sees and to think what she thinks. Does she know who I am or who her mother is? I like to think that she does. But to venture into that world would be priceless. So pure and innocent.

On a funnier note, keep in mind that I did not say expert in the language of the whales. I referred to myself as an "advanced practicer". I say this because I am pretty sure that I used an incorrect phrase with Addy. After bath time she is usually all smiles and happy. She will talk to me and make faces and smile, and I always talk back and make faces back at her, all in whale of course. Anyways, I had laid her on the bed to dry her off and put her diaper and clothes on and she was going to town and just talking away and I was talking right back at her. In my best whale I let out a long "whale phrase" and smiled down at her. She then paused from our sonar communication, gave me a perplexed look, and then proceeded to pee all over me. To top it off, she looked up and smiled. Needless to say, we were back to the bath.

So, you can think what you want, and some may call me crazy, but I feel that I am on to something HUGE. Well, I hear my little whale calling my name, so I am going to go and see what's up. Remember, the key to babies is Echolocation. Just ask one.

Oh yeah. Addy has discovered her thumb, as well as laughed for the first time. She is still testing out the thumb. Sometimes she just has a hard time finding it so she puts her whole fist in her mouth. Whatever works.

Until tomorrow.


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